
Aliness Zulu

Name: Aliness Zulu SOL 03/2022-031

Village: Mutamino

D.O.B.: 28th September, 2012    Age: 9    Grade: 2

Hobbies: Loves running

Dream Career: Doctor

Aliness is one of five children whose mother died during the birth of their 5th child, who died a few months later. After their mother’s death their father left them with relatives of his who didn’t give them the home and care they needed. After packing their few belongings in a plastic bag they set off to look for their mother’s relatives who took them in and they haven’t seen or heard from their father in a couple of years. While their grandmother takes care of their basic needs through other relatives who send her money or food, Aliness has not been to school in the past two years falling behind from her peers. She was last in school in the second grade and is seeking sponsorship to continue her journey of a bright educated future.

Hi! My name is Aliness; I love running and I would like to learn to read. I help my grandmother with the chores at home since I am not in school. I want to be a doctor when I complete my high school education. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.