

Hope’s Doorway Child Sponsorship

With so much need, even in our own backyards, we see the importance of being part of a local and global community. Sponsoring a child helps break the cycle of poverty with clean drinking water, food, education, and medical services. Not only does the child benefit but the community thrives as a whole.

What is child sponsorship?

Sponsorship connects individual sponsors with individual children who desperately need help, and this in return, changes lives. Sponsorship is a chance to build a lifelong friendship between a sponsor and a child and for a low-monthly payment of thirty-nine dollars.

How sponsorship helps children in need.

For many children, the probability of staying in school until graduation is dismal. The need for food and clothing often overshadow the need for an education, and many vulnerable children risk being sent to work, into child prostitution, or child marriage.

Child sponsorship is an effective way to change the world of children.

$39 a month provides a child with:
Access to clean and safe drinking water
Basic medical care and nutritional support
Education including tuition, school supplies, school uniforms, and shoes
Safe shelter, clothes, and blankets
Staff outreach for children with disabilities, exploited children and children impacted by HIV and AIDS

Children waiting for Sponsorship

Teddy Nkonka     SOL 05/2023-002 D.O.B: May 16, 2013    Age: 10    Grade: 4    Hobbies: football    Dream Career: Policeman Hi! My
Ruth Musumali     SOL 05/2023-009 D.O.B: August 9, 2012    Age: 11    Grade: 3    Hobbies: playing ball    Dream Career: Nurse Hi! My
George Chishinka     SOL 05/2023-004 D.O.B: December 28, 2012    Age: 11    Grade: 4   Hobbies: Soccer    Dream Career: Pilot
Samson Chishinka     SOL 05/2023-005 D.O.B: June 12, 2014    Age: 9    Grade: 4    Hobbies: playing ball    Dream Career: Lawyer
Patricia Phiri     SOL 05/2023-007 D.O.B: May _, 2011    Age: 12    Grade: 5    Hobbies: reading    Dream Career: Police women Hi! My