
Theresa Chimfwembe

Name: Theresa Chimfwembe SOL 03/2022-041

Village: Mwachunga

D.O.B.: 06th January, 2012   Age: 10   Grade: 3

Hobbies: Rope and ball games

Dream Career: Nurse

Theresa lost her mother a few years ago and is in the custody of her uncle. Her father denied her before she was born and still refuses to support her when approached. Because of this her mother’s brother has taken up the responsibility of taking care of her despite his financial challenges. He believes that even though he has nothing to give her he can give her a home and fatherly love and that is most important.

Hi! My name is Theresa; I like to play rope and ball games. My favorite subject in school is math. I want to be a nurse when I finish school. I lost my mother a few years ago and I have never met my father because he refuses to see me. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.