
Patricia Siankole

Patricia Siankole    SOL 05/2023-001

D.O.B: August 23, 2014    Age: 9    Grade: 3     Hobbies: netball    Dream Career: Police service

Hi! My name is Patricia, I am 8 years old and live with my mom and grandmother in Mutamino Village. My parents separated before I was born so I do not know who my dad is. I like to play netball and pretend games like cooking or house. My favorite subject is Mathematics. I desire to join the Police Service hopefully in the future. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.

Patricia was born without her father present and he denied taking responsibility. She has spent her past 8 years not knowing who he is and it seems she will never know. Patricia’s mother and her grandmother are farmers with limited land ownership and resources. They sometimes sell thrift clothing just to make ends meet.