
Bridget Malakata – LifeSavers and Hope’s Doorway’s first teen graduate – 2018


“Having up grown up in the midst of financial challenges that discouraged me from pursuing my education, I was blessed when I got sponsored to return to school. I have always felt and wished to pursue and complete my education.

As a girl child, I have always been someone who dreamt of rising higher beyond my challenges and beyond my background. I dreamt beyond being an orphan. I did not look back because of being an orphan but stood up and said am going to face the world and I will be educated.  I stood firm and pursued my secondary school until I graduated.

Graduating from secondary school for me was a very big achievement. It meant I was ready to go after my dream and become the person I have always wanted to be.

One who is ready to support and educate my community, fight corruption and injustices that I saw going on in my community. I did not end there but I went on to study paralegal studies, which has equipped me with the knowledge of law. I can attest now to say that education has broadened my knowledge to know my worth and to know my rights as a girl child.

I can stand to say that am going to be an ambassador for the girl child and see that the girl child is educated”.

Written 10-11-19 by Bridget Malakata