
Allan Mbale

Name: Allan Mbale Sol 03/2022-028

Village: Chinchili

D.O.B.: 13th November, 2014     Age: 7      Grade: 1

Hobbies: Loves to play with cars and pretend cooking.

Dream Career: Truck Driver


Allan’s parents are both unemployed and seek general work like farming for neighbors and weeding crops to bring income to their home. They have a first child who was diagnosed with a heart problem and down syndrome so most of their income goes to spending on his daily medication, because of this, it is a challenge for them to provide for Allan’s basic needs.

Hi! My name is Allan; I like learning English and hope to get better at it. Playing pretend cook and cars are the favorite things I do during my play time. I want to be a Truck Driver when I complete my high school education. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.