
Bahiyyih Teleka

ID: #SOL 04/2021-018          Date of Birth: Day unknown – year 2007

Hi! My name is Bahiyyih (Ba-hii); I have never been to school and I would love to start but my great-grandmother can’t afford the fees because we need the money for food. I want to be a nurse when I complete my secondary education so I can save people’s lives. I like to play soccer with my friends. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.

Born in 2007 (actual birth date unknown to her guardians who have raised her since she was one and a half).   Bahiyyih (“full of light” or “full of glory”) got her name from her fathers employers who were of Arabic origin.  Unfortunately when she was 1 year and 6 months old she lost both her parents and is in the custody of her great-grandmother who is a guardian to 7 other great-grandchildren. Her responsibilities are more than any guardian can handle living in the rural areas and with only one source of income, selling groundnuts and sweet potatoes. Unfortunately this income isn’t enough to support their educational needs including Bahiyyih.