Erika Tembo
Erika Tembo (LSZ-012)
My name is Erica and I was born April 1, 2000. I am living in Lukata Village with my grand Mother. I am the third born in a family of four where two are boys and two girls. My parents are separated and mother lives elsewhere with her elder sister. I am a mother to a two-year-old baby girl. When I was in Grade 8 unfortunately, I became pregnant and my family quickly started organizing themselves to push me into marriage. It was at this point when LifeSavers intervened and reasoned with my family and the family of my baby’s father. My family and I went through a series of counselling. I wish to thank LifeSavers for coming to my aid as I was almost getting into marriage with the father of my child who us not able to take care of the baby and me. I have now learned a lesson not sleep around with men to avoid getting another pregnancy. From now own I will concentrate on going to school. I have now re-entered school the ninth grade. My favourite activity at school is netball. I would love to be a teacher so that she can help other people.