
Godfrey Muchimwa

Name: Godfrey Muchimwa     SOL 10/2021-024     Village: Mutamnio     DOB: January 28, 1998     Grade: 10     Dream Career: Military Service

Hi! My name is Godfrey; I don’t have much time as my peers to play sports or other activities, but when I do I like to play football. My favorite subjects are English, Computers and Religious Education. I desire to join the Defense Force hopefully in the future. Thank you for considering to sponsor me the next two years to school.

Godfrey’s parents separated in 2019 and abandoned him with his younger brother to raise on his own. Godfrey had to discontinue his education to find general work in order to provide for his brother and himself. He then returned to school last year but has incurred debts of school fees to pay. He does general work like digging up and loading trucks full of sand when the opportunity presents itself. He desires to complete his high school education and looks to having a brighter future for himself and his brother.