
Idah Mumba

Idah Mumba SOL 07-2024-005

Hi! My name is Idah; Ever since I moved to my aunt’s home, I have free time to play with my cousins and friends, I love to play netball and skip rope. At my uncle’s home I was not allowed to play, I had to work and take care of his children. I was out of school for 2 years and missed out a lot. I hope to catch up and finish school so that I become a nurse. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.

 Idah lost her father in 2022 and her uncle took her to raise her. Unfortunately he deliberately kept her out of school so she can do the house chores and drop and pick his children from school. When her aunt, her current guardian, heard of Idah’s situation, and how the uncle misled them to believe that he would support Idah’s education. She went and got her and is currently living with her. The aunt has 7 dependants who she takes care of and struggles sometimes to provide for the family. She does small scale farming which is a challenge because they have to walk a long distance to fetch water. When she is not farming she is looking for small jobs to provide for the family.