
Isaac Mvula

Isaac Mvula SOL 07-2024-003

DOB: 9-13-2013   3rd Grade   Career Choice: Join the Army

Hi! My name is Isaac; I love football and playing hide and seek with my friends. When I grow up, I want to join the Army because I like how the army officers look in uniform. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.

Isaac likes mathematics and literature. He lives with his aunt (father’s sister), his aunt took him in so that he could have a better chance to getting an education. Isaac’s mother lives with his two other siblings in another village while his father is an alcoholic living with his grandmother in the capital city. Isaac’s aunt and uncle work on farms to earn a living. They have 3 children of their own and 2 other dependants that they take care of. Because of the distance between the village the Isaac’s mother lives in and their village, they have no way of knowing her current situation and she has made no effort to check on the welfare of her son.