
Justin Musonda

ID #: SOL 04/2021-021          Date of Birth: 9-13-2006

Hi! My name is Justine and I am in grade 7.  I play soccer during my free time and like math, science and English. When I complete high school I want to study engineering and be an Engineer. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.

Justine’s father was a responsible, loving and caring father until his passing a few years ago. His mother chose to remarry so that she is taken care of and not living in poverty. Unfortunately for Justine he was to remain behind with his father’s sister because his mother’s new husband didn’t want to adopt Justine and make him part of their family. Although Justine sees his mother once in a while he is not supported by her financially. His aunt takes care of him and two other dependents but has had financial difficulties meeting all their needs.