
Mwamba Kasonde

Mwamba Kasonde

ID# 7-2024-004

DOB: 23 Sept 2013

1st grade

Career choice: pilot

Hi, my name is Mwamba. I love football and solving numbers. When I grow up, I want to be a pilot. I like to watch the airplanes fly over our village, and I wish to do that when I grow up.

Mwamba’s father suffers from substance abuse and left his wife and 6 children. The mother moved to the rural area because the cost of living in the city was too high. The eldest child takes care of himself, despite never completing high school. Her daughter is being kept by another guardian who saw their struggle and wanted to ease her burden. She now only has 4 children to take care and seeks work to bring food to the table.

Thank you for considering sponsoring me.