
Olipa Namusokwe

Name: Olipa Namusokwe SOL 03/2022-029

Village: Mwachasha

D.O.B.: 01st October, 2011      Age: 10     Grade: 1

Hobbies: Loves to play netball

Dream Career: Lawyer

Olipa lives in a household of six children. Her mother is currently hospitalized with a growth in her abdomen and they only have their father to take care of them and their mother in hospital. Her father is a rural general worker who tries to make ends meet. With little schooling and very little work experience he longs for his children to receive a better education for a better future.

Hi! My name is Olipa; I like playing netball. I want to be in school but I keep thinking about my mother who is in hospital because her tummy is sore. I want to be a lawyer when I complete my high school education. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.