
Patience Tembo

Name: Patience Tembo SOL 03/2022-030

Village: Chipyela

D.O.B.: 25th October, 2005      Age: 16

Grade: 5

Hobbies: Loves to play netball

Dream Career: Doctor

Patience is an orphan who is under the care of her aunt who is a widow and takes care of four of her own children and two other dependents one of whom is Patience. Her aunt is a peasant farmer who barely makes ends meet as a sole provider for her family.

Hi! My name is Patience; I like reading and playing netball. Since my parents died it has been difficult for me to start school early. I have had to sacrifice my education for food at home when my aunt raises enough. My favorite subjects are English and mathematics. I want to be a doctor when I complete my high school education. Thank you for choosing to sponsor me.